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Maven Dependencies

  1. Clone project and install:
     $ mvn clean install
  2. add the dependencies below to your maven project: ```xml
org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-web org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-tomcat io.gitlab.leibnizhu spring-boot-starter-netty 1.1-RELEASE io.netty netty-all 4.1.113.Final


Blogs about how to design/code this project

Only Chineses, updating one after another……
基于Netty的Spring Boot内置Servlet容器的实现(一)
基于Netty的Spring Boot内置Servlet容器的实现(二)
基于Netty的Spring Boot内置Servlet容器的实现(三)
基于Netty的Spring Boot内置Servlet容器的实现(四)
基于Netty的Spring Boot内置Servlet容器的实现(五)